Giving birth has to be one of the most rewarding experiences that a woman can ever have. It is bittersweet though because there is so much struggles that one has to endure before you get to see the beautiful face of your little one. Unfortunately, the difficult road doesn't stop there. Other than sleepless nights and complete 180 turn on your lifestyle, there is also what we call Postpartum Depression (PPD) that affects about 1 out of 10 moms and in some studies, 1 out of 7, after giving birth.
PPD occurs within the first four weeks after giving birth. It is linked to the sudden drop of hormones progesterone and estrogen which built up during pregnancy. It is characterized by a dramatic change in behavior, physical and mental state where a mom becomes irritable, depressed, loses appetite, fatigued, have obsessional worries, extreme guilt and many other symptoms.
There are different severities in PPD. The least severe is what they call the baby blues which, lasts from around two weeks up to a month and will eventually go away naturally. The second type is the postpartum depression characterized by confusion, insomnia, hallucinations, rapid speech and others.
This type of PPD is triggered from childbirth and could go on for months or even years. Psychotherapy and antidepressants can help a lot in alleviating symptoms. Finally, there is the postpartum psychosis which affects about one out of 1000 mothers giving birth. This is the most dangerous type because it is so severe it can lead to suicide and infanticide. This is a serious medical emergency and must be addressed and monitored well.
Other than medical intervention, the family has a huge role to play when a mom unfortunately suffers from PPD. It can affect the family to the point that even dads start to suffer PPD. During this period, it is imperative that the entire household becomes more understanding about the situation of the patient. There had been a number of suicides and infanticides so everyone must stay alert. It is also important that the baby is given as much love, comfort and support most especially since the mom might not be physically and mentally able to do so.